Battlefield Heroes Remake

Deal of the Day

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Name Blanco's Bullseye
Faction Royal Blanco's Bullseye
Published 19. 5. 2015
Price 1 200 F (3 999 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %
Name Elektro Slinger
Faction National Elektro Slinger
Published 19. 5. 2015
Price 1 800 F (5 999 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %
Name Royal FVA Winner!
Faction Royal Herbalist's Hat Patty's Pristine Puffer Grondolf's Barbarian Necklace Cheiftain Bahto's Warpaint Cruel Barbarian's Girdle El Hermoso's Leather Wraps El Hermoso's Killing Tools Dire Wolf's Knight Pants Cheiftain Bahto's Moccasins Drayseen the Dragon
Published 19. 5. 2015
Price 4 500 F (8 999 F)
Discount Real discount: 49.9 %
Announced discount: 50 %
Name National FVA Winner!
Faction National Track Hunter's Red Hot Mohawk Screamin Skeleton Skull Ace's Baron Scarf Honor Protector's Jacket Screamin Skeleton's Scythe Screamin Skeleton Hands Ninja's Pants Screamin Skeleton Feet
Published 19. 5. 2015
Price 7 500 F (14 999 F)
Discount Real discount: 49.9 %
Announced discount: 50 %

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