Battlefield Heroes Remake

Deal of the Day

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Name Arcus Root
Faction Royal Arcus Root
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 1 050 F (3 499 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %
Name Stolen Pipsqueak's Dapper Popper
Faction National Stolen Pipsqueak's Dapper Popper
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 756 F (2 519 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %
Name Cruel Spoils of War
Faction Royal Random Offer
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 600 F (1 199 F)
Discount Real discount: 49.9 %
Announced discount: 50 %
Name Brutal Spoils of War
Faction National Random Offer
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 600 F (1 199 F)
Discount Real discount: 49.9 %
Announced discount: 50 %
Name Deal of the Day - Royal
Faction Royal Hoaxer Hero's Mohawk Face Injury Burly Bruce's Brawns Royal Boxer Gloves Royal Boxer Shorts El Nacho Dorado's Boots Bruce's Bash Fisticuffs
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 5 263 F (17 542 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %
Name Deal of the Day - Royal
Faction National Track Hunter's Red Hot Mohawk Face Bruises Savage Sly's Sinews National Boxer Gloves National Boxer Shorts El Diablo Rojo's Boots Sly's Sucker-Punch Fisticuffs
Published 25. 4. 2014
Price 5 263 F (17 542 F)
Discount Real discount: 69.9 %
Announced discount: 70 %

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